
Monday, September 6, 2010

Dividing the Group

If your group is significantly large, you may consider seperating the groups by age, location, or other classifications that seem logical and unbiased. Seperating does mean the group cannot ever meet as a whole, but will give a chance for moms and kids to get to know some regular faces.

Seperating by age is a good choice for moms looking to meet a specific child's age group. You can divide the groups into non-mobile, wobblers, toddlers, and preschoolers. Many groups that divide groups up name their groups by categories of something else, uniting them with a common theme. For example, a group may classify this way:

Rainbow Playgroup

Red group: All ages
Organe group: non mobile babies
Yellow group: crawlers
Green group: Wobblers
Blue Group: Toddlers
Purple Group: Preschool

You can use all sorts of categories like fruit or vegetables, animals, art, etc. Details can even be divided further if the group is very large. You can have a birdie playgroup and divide groups by naming different categories of birds. Then further divide by age (Hatchlings, younglings, waddlers, flyers, etc).

Dividing by location is a bit tricky, but the easiest way is to seperate by zip code (if you are in the U.S.).

Make sure when you divide into groups that each group has a leader; someone to take care of things if you do not fall into the category. If your group starts to decrease in size you can also eliminate groups as well. If there is was thing that is true all groups change with time. When organizers adapt to those changes the group will thrive. Keep up on toes, and you'll never miss a beat! Happy Organizing!

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