
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Media and Playgroup Discrimnation

Time for a personal, emotional post. It never crossed my mind that I would EVER want to write about this, but I had an epipheny as I was brushing my teeth last night. This is something that desperately needs to get out there.

It is completely natural to protect our children from threats; but aren't we going a tad bit overboard? I'm not talking about rubbing sanitizer on our hands or even putting on those grocery cart covers. I'm talking about extreme measures we take; like not allowing them to use the public restroom, or play in a community pool because of the possibility of germs.

THIS (not quite) JUST IN: germs are everywhere. Do you know how many germs at in an ER room? You  don't avoid taking your child to the ER if they are extrememly sick do you? For your child's sake I hope not. Why is it that our children's phyiscal health so much more important than their mental and emotional health? I'm serious. If you limit your child from participating in fun activities because of germ, you are limiting them from enjoying the life that you strive so hard to preserve.

Media hype tend to send people in a whirlwind frenzy. Even blood relatives did not want to visit with me for fear of getting 'infected' (Since when did I become a walking diease?) Here's where I get rather upset. I was removed from a playgroup (over a year ago now!) because the leader considered me a 'threat'. At the time, I was struggling with relaspes from an infectious diesase. Normally removal is a matter of unreconcible differences, or violating guidelines; which is understandable. This dismisal is completely out of line because;
  • I never attended a playdate if I had an active infection
  • I am very good about keeping hands clean and santized
  • My household members have been free of infections (at the time) for over a year! (Now it's almost two years! I might also add I am cured, but no--I'm not rejoining that playgroup).
"I don't feel comfortable........ Afterall, I have a newborn to think about" the leader emailed. YEAH. At the time, I was eight months pregnant; I also had a newborn to think about. Doctors assured me I have nothing to worry about. "From things I've read and talking to family members who agree, I'm going to ask that you and your children do not attend playdates."

So here's my bone and I'm gonna pick it. Should we limit who our families interact with because of their health history for 'chance' of becoming infected? Absolutely Not! Ask any doctor, and they will tell you, unless your child is a specail health risk, you are more at risk by going to the grocery store than by playing with someone with a history.

So.....stop freaking out about the latest Media hype. The people being hospitalized for it is only a small percentage, and most of those infected experience a very mild case. If you educate yourself on the symptoms and follow directions to prevent, you shouldn't have a problem. AND If you are really concerned talk to your family doctor-- not the media.

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