
Monday, October 25, 2010

WOM: take two

So I made a promise that I would cover word of mouth how to, and here it is!

Basically word of mouth is a game of telephone, mixed with a drama mama gossip queen, but hopefully word of mouth will be a positive thing for your group.

Be Passionate: First thing to do is to get it started yourself. But you have to make sure you are passionate about it. Make sure what you are talking about means something; to you, and to your member.

Make it Personal: When talking about word of mouth for playgroups I focus on promoting group events. Events are your life source; they are like your company's product, or money line. If your members like your events, they will eventually talk about them to people outside of the group; leading new members to you! When I look at starting a new event I focus finding one or two members interested enough to commit to attending an event before it's scheduled. I schedule it around their schedule, and voila! Two members are already coming. They are personally invested in their event; it's theirs!

Give out Invites:  I cannot stress this enough;  sending an email or e-vite is not enough; why? Because your members know it was not 'for them'. The best attended events that I have had was when I verbally invited members to the event; Our RSVPs double. Not Kidding.

It's not About YOU: Make sure that it's not just your group, or your events that you are promoting. You have to invest your time and energy in finding other gems of information to recommend around the area too. If you do not, your members will get this turned off attitude to your promotions and it will make you seem as though you think it's all about you. I even make it a habit to recommend other mom's groups to new members if I think a different one will suit them better. You know what they usually tell me? They are still interested in joining mine? (Hehehe, I'm an evil reverse physcologist aren't I?)

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