
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Painting the Town Playgroup Style!

Do you remember the excitement of riding in the car on the way to zoo when you were a child? Was there a special place that your parent's or your school would make a trip to? There are alot of local attractions just waiting to be visited! Your playgroups do not have to be limited to your home! Check your phone book under the categories Attractions, or Children's or Entertainment , and you may stumble on local resources you didn't know about. Ask around from your members about fun places they go. Then call and ask the facility about having an event there! Things you'll need to know:

◦The capacity of the space if you will be secluded to one room
◦The price of admission, parking, etc.
◦Discounts if they are available
◦Operation days and hours
◦Ask about having a private play date at the facility
◦If food is allowed
◦What you are required/ or suggested to bring
Once you have a good idea about the venue, plan your event. You may want to coordinate it with the facility. By doing so, you can avoid a lot of potential problems. Some of the most common problems are

◦members getting lost or not finding the group
◦the staff of the facility being unprepared for the extra boost in attendance that day
◦The facility being closed due to operation changes, weather, or high attendance (facility gets filled)

With just a little bit of organization and a lot of researching (especially if you live in a small town), you'll find places to go without long travel. We'd love to hear about the places you've discovered (pictures too!) Send them in!

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