Monday, December 6, 2010

Olive branches do not grow on trees.

Here's a shocker. I have experienced several episodes of drama. *gasp* I've extended olive branches to particular cases, and there is often times I wish I could have the oppertunity to extend it to more people I've butted heads with. So, I am going to tell you about the skill and knowledge I know about growing olive branches and extending them to those who (let's face it) you'd probably rather not.

The biggest thing I've found that allows an olive branch to grow is understanding. I have a few organizers that I've had problems with. I feel that for the most part, they have made an unfair judgement about me and never really gave me a chance. BUT I also sympathize for them. I realize it takes two to tango and there are things I could have done differently.

One boy in high school (who has probably forgotten all about me by now!) left me with a quote once that I've never forgotten. I told him that I was angry at someone and he struck back saying: "For being human?" He said it as a joke, but I took it seriously ever since. Everybody is human, and we all make mistakes. We are suppose to. Knowing this it makes it easier to forgive.

The last thing I'm going to leave you with is a lesson I've heard about since I was a small child, but I really didn't understand it until I was older. One of my favorite stories growing up was Anne of Green Gables series. In the book (movie as well), Anne who has a stubborn side to her refuses to make an apology to the town gossip, nosey nancy : Rachel Lynd.

As a result Marilla, the adoptive parent of Anne, threatens to take Anne back to the orphanage if she would not apologize to her.  But Matthew (marilla's brother and Anne's other adoptive parent) consoles her and manages to persaude her to apologize. "You don't have to be really sorry, just sorta sorry."

OK. I know it's a better vertue to be geniuine in your apology but there are plenty of times I had to make apologies for things that are not even in my control.  Usually I emphasize "I'm sorry I made you feel that way" because no matter what I did, I can garentee there is not a bone in me that would ever want someone to experience a unintended negative feeling; even my worst enemy.

The positive thing that I can tell you is that if you are able to exchange olive branches, do not cast the olive branch out once your nieghbor leaves. Plant it back in your heart and continue to nuture it so it can grow. I have one person who has reentered in my life that I thought would never be good friends with me. Surprisingly, life has changed and I find myself needing her more than ever. She may not be my best friend but I think we were meant to find each other. What a tradgey it would have been had we not allowed our olive branches grow into a tree of frienship.

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