
Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Closer Look:

A quick Internet search anywhere for "moms groups" will bring you to website; usually within the top three. Meetup is where I got my start, it is safe to say, I'm bias. But not blind. So I thought I would review the website I use today!

First Look

At first look the website appears fairly simple. I assure you, it's not that simple. Once you create a an account and join a group it looks like a normal 'group' website. However, once you take on an organizer (Organizers pay $19 a month, or less with other payment plans) role it becomes complicated.

The best part about meetup is the search engine optimization. If a moms were to google "Moms group in Chicago, IL" or the like, one of the first links would be to This feature alone makes it worth it to me to pay for the use. I usually get two-three new members a month just from this alone.

Calendar Features

The calendar allows members to veiw events in a list, or on a monthly calendar. Organizers can add the address, notes, pictures, maps, links, set specific to RSVPs and noticfications (like not allowing maybe RSVPs, and emailing the organizer when someone rsvps), ask questions when members RSVP, and even has options for payment if the event costs money. There is even manual and automatic waiting lists if you select RSVP limit is filled. Organizers can edit, copy, and email members related to that event (those who have rsvpd yes and/or no, and/or those who have not RSVPd.).

The calendar also allows you add notes, and make draft events.

Adminstration Tools

The organizer has the ability to select privacy levels, and how members join (automatially join, request permission, etc.). There is so much to go over, but the group has it's own 'webaddress' or you can use your own domain. The webiste also has a group forum, which the organizer can organize into folders, and adjust prviacy levels. There is also a photo section, mailing list, polls section, and the about page (for non members to learn about the group).

The organizer can also appoint other admintstrators to the group. The options are as follows:

co-organizer- can adjust everything the organizer does, except for the payment for the subscription.

assistant organizer- can do everything the organizer does, with the exception of group settings (privacy levels, welcome letter, etc.)

Event Organizers can only control events. They cannot set up polls, or edit the message board forums.

Member Even Organizers- members who are select to take of one event. They cannot touch any other events on the calendar.


There are many vitual support groups in the 'organizer category' that are happy to offer support and guidence. A quick search in the website's search bar under "Organizer" will pull up many groups for this. Meetup headquarters is stationed in New York, so techinical support is available eastern time. The email for support is

The downside is it can be complicated to figure out. Even with the weath of features I mentioned, the site has a lot more available. It also has a fee for organizing. With that fee you can run three groups, if you choose, but believe me, three is a lot to handle. Meetup does have a 30 day money back garentee. So there is no risk in trying it out.
 Happy organizing!

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