
Friday, September 17, 2010

Pizazz Your Playgroup

Giving your Playgroup a bit of pizazz

Sometimes a playgroup meeting regularly for the same activities can become very routine. In fact it can even put you in a rut. Members may start to lose interest, or the group may lose some enthusiasm. But never fear! There are plenty of things you can do to add a bit of pizazz to your playgroup.

Your playgroups don't have to be just 'come over and play'! Add a theme!! It could be something simple from doing a 'teddy bear picnic', where children bring a teddy bear and mom brings a picnic item and everyone meets at a local park. Or it can be a full scale Luau themed party! It's all up to you!

Food is something anyone cannot do without. When it's good food, it attracts a great social atmosphere. Instead of supplying a regular snack, consider having a potluck for 'best or famous recipes'. Everyone loves to have people rave about their dishes, and everyone loves to indulge once and while.


Structured Activities are appealing to parents and preschoolers. Children learn through play. By giving them an unusual activity in a group setting, you are giving the opportunity to learn in a group environment. Preschoolers would be thrilled with making craft projects, learning to play rhythms on instruments, etc. However, these activities may be a bit advanced for an infant or toddler. Remember-- It doesn't have to be complicated!!!! You can make a fun activity just out of old (but clean) adult socks. For example, Toddlers love learning how to dress themselves. Large socks makes it easy for them to get their feet into. They are learning an important skill, while getting enjoyment out of playing with mommy and daddy's socks. For Preschoolers, who are learning to group things in categories, you have them separate them from darks and lights, or match pairs of socks together!
Here are some more ideas for activities for you playgroups:

Circle time activities

Parachutes games

playing with puppets

dress up

sensory play (i.e. play dough, silly putty, sand)


Do you remember the excitement of riding in the car on the way to zoo when you were a child? Was there a special place that your parent's or your school would make a trip to? There are alot of local attractions just waiting to be visited! Your playgroups do not have to be limited to your home! Check your phone book under the categories Attractions, or Children's or Entertainment , and you may stumble on local resources you didn't know about. Ask around from your members about fun places they go. Then call and ask the facility about having an event there! Things you'll need to know:

◦The capacity of the space if you will be secluded to one room
◦The price of admission, parking, etc.
◦Discounts if they are available
◦Operation days and hours
◦Ask about having a private play date at the facility
◦If food is allowed
◦What you are required/ or suggested to bring

Once you have a good idea about the venue, plan your event. You may want to coordinate it with the facility. By doing so, you can avoid a lot of potential problems. Some of the most common problems are

  • members getting lost or not finding the group
  • the staff of the facility being unprepared for the extra boost in attendance that day
  • the facility being closed due to operation changes, weather, or high attendance (facility gets filled)

Keeping in Contact with your venue is always a good idea. Here are the suggested tips for corresponding with your venue:

  • When first approaching a new venue, tell them about your group, who you are, your experience, and then your interest in their service. Ask them the necessary questions.
  • Let them know about your first event with them, even if you don't have to reserve space. Just in case you happen to have another group meeting there too.
  • A week before the event call and give them a reminder and estimate how many will come.
  • The day before, do a confirmation call and tell them the final head count.
  • A week after, thank them for the event and try to schedule your next one if interested.
  • Once a quarter, double check with the venues information (ie. open and close times, prices, etc)
Happy Playing!

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