
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Haven't Forgot!

Hey all......

You have not been forgotten. My family had an episode of the sickies and many things have been going on. This weekend I will be reloading with new blog posts so just stay tuned!
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Monday, November 22, 2010

Craft Idea Cooki turkeys!

So this one is pretty easy! We used frosting to hold it all together.

2 fudge stripes cookies
1 cordial cherry chocolates
1 candy corn

Kids can easily put them together and since it's all food, even little ones can attempt to create turkeys! Pictures coming later on today!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wordless Wenesday!

From our Pottery Handprint event!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Can't Leave Home? Time for a confrence!

So I've found that sometimes our leader meetings just don't work. Face to face meetings are always the best, but when push comes to shove-- sick kids, vacations, etc. Phone conferences are the way to go!

If you have long distance, you can create a free confrence call through many websites (Check out ) . Most of them you have to register, then you can set up a phone call day and time, and invite your participants.

I had to do this very thing sometimes.

Happy Organizing!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Message Board Games

One of the things that's great about an online community that meets offline. We have the advantage of the calendar, photos, and message boards. The message board is a great way to break the ice, get to know members, and have a lot of fun!

Here are some games to help get your message board going!

Shag or Die
Pick a man, if you were faced with the choice of either 'shagging or dying' which would you do? The fun part is trying to find those "iffy" guys.

player 1: Chevy Chase?

player 2: Shag...i guess if I want to live........Brad Pitt?

The person under me

Player one: "The person under me needs to do the dishes"

Player two: "That's me, they'll probably be done tomorrow......the person under me loves the smell of vanilla"

Player three: "ME!! Vanilla and Almonds!.......the person under me plays the guitar."

Three things about me

This game you list three things about yourself and the next person responds has to pick something they have in common with them.

Player 1;
Three things about me:
1. I don't smoke

2. I love music

3. I have three siblings.

Player 2:
1. I love music

2. I have one daughter.

3. My bathroom theme is rubber ducks.

Player 3:
1. I have one Daughter

2. I don't pay the babysitter (The Tv)

3. I love pastries....

One Letter Game

*you need one four letter word. The nest poster takes that word and changes one letter to make it a different word.

Player one:


Player two:


Player three:


Player four:


Association Game
*you give one word, the next poster says the first thing they can think of.


player one:

Player two:

Player three:

from Kara, of military Mammaz in Tucson, Az

One of our most participated was the Alphabet game. You pick a topic and the group has to go A-Z on that topic.

We used ice cream flavors for our first go around because so many of our moms had talked about having a sweet tooth.

Player 1: Almond

Player 2: Buttered Pecan

We had a bunch of people goggling for the hard to find letters like Q. Several name brands have "old flavor" lists where we got a lot of our answers.

Anybody have games they'd like to share?

Wordless Wenesday: Play at the Mall!

Be sure to submit a series of photos from one of your recent playgroups to be featured on Wordless Wenesday!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Painting the Town Playgroup Style!

Do you remember the excitement of riding in the car on the way to zoo when you were a child? Was there a special place that your parent's or your school would make a trip to? There are alot of local attractions just waiting to be visited! Your playgroups do not have to be limited to your home! Check your phone book under the categories Attractions, or Children's or Entertainment , and you may stumble on local resources you didn't know about. Ask around from your members about fun places they go. Then call and ask the facility about having an event there! Things you'll need to know:

◦The capacity of the space if you will be secluded to one room
◦The price of admission, parking, etc.
◦Discounts if they are available
◦Operation days and hours
◦Ask about having a private play date at the facility
◦If food is allowed
◦What you are required/ or suggested to bring
Once you have a good idea about the venue, plan your event. You may want to coordinate it with the facility. By doing so, you can avoid a lot of potential problems. Some of the most common problems are

◦members getting lost or not finding the group
◦the staff of the facility being unprepared for the extra boost in attendance that day
◦The facility being closed due to operation changes, weather, or high attendance (facility gets filled)

With just a little bit of organization and a lot of researching (especially if you live in a small town), you'll find places to go without long travel. We'd love to hear about the places you've discovered (pictures too!) Send them in!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

No Playgroup Junkies Allowed

Once again, time to get opinionated. My never ending search for anything related to playgroups has found me deep in thought. I came across a group who has an awesome info page. The page clearly stated what a membership and who should be a member.

No playgroup reads.........wait a minute.........did I read that right?! Apparently they believe that playgroup junkies are not the proper 'material' for their group. Now I understand the theory in this.....If you are a playgroup junkie (which means you belong to several groups in the area) you are less likely to have time to commit to another group..but you know how I like to play devil's advocate.
I've been a huge supporter of the idea that there are never enough playgroups, and there is no such thing as a perfect playgroup for everyone.  This group's purpose is to create a tight knit group of like minded families. They don't want a member coming to playgroup a month and never making a deeper connection with the other members. It's HARD to make a connection with someone you only see a few hours out of the month!
So, no playgroup junkies allowed.
But here's where I play devil's advocate. Maybe this person is a playgroup junkie because they haven't found the group that fits them yet; could the perfect playgroup be yours? Well, I guess you wouldn't know if you don't allow playgroup junkies. What are they suppose to do: leave the groups they already are finding a place in, just because you want full committment from them? Do you realize what a turn off that is?
Let's not forget that playgroup junkies also are PROVEN to love playgroups. Why else would be members of so many groups? What kind of potential does that kind of love have? An active member. A resource of ideas. A volunteer..a leader.

All I'm trying to say if you are going to limit your membership (which you should!) make sure you explore all the possibilities of who that excluded someone could be when they do join. Granted that mom who joined last month whom I had a no so great feeling about has yet to be active. But whos knows...even though my first impressions was spot on, that doesn't mean she couldn't have been my next best friend. She still can be.

I just found that this requirement (IMO) contradicted the very thing they were asking for. Maybe they should have put : WANTED: Playgroup Junkie Wannabes. Perhaps that would have been more clear.

Do you allow playgroup junkies in your group? What do you want from your members?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Playgroup Leader Etiquette

Emily Post would not be proud. My playgroup Etiquette did not come from her book.... I learned it the hard way, and still continue to learn. In fact, I find Emily's books extremely boring,  no matter how important I feel the information is inside.

For sake of being Etiquette incorrect on my opinions, I have found the most organizers do not feel comfortable with other playgroup organizers in their own group; especially if they are operated on the same website. 

You could ask why; but to me it's obvious; fear of competition. Is she joining to steal my members? Advertise her group? Steal my ideas?

Well, I'm not going to get into why I think this 'fear' is ridiculous (I'll cover that later), but here is etiquette for those of you who may not have realized that yes, Houston, there is etiquette for us organizers.

1. Never Copy ANY content verbatim. In fact, avoid copying as much as possible. If you have to copy, ask first.  Which leads me to number two:

2. Don't be possessive. Guess what? Great minds think alike. No you were not the 'first' one to think of doing a playgroup at the fire station, or signing your group up for a kindermusik class. That boudoir Mom's Night Out idea you had? Been there, done that. Get over it.  If they really did 'steal' it from you; your group members will know it. You have nothing to worry about.

3. Do not join for sole purpose of promoting yours. It's just not cool.

4. Respect the organizers. Not everyone will organize in the same way and you will not be happy with some of the choices they make. That doesn't mean that they are wrong. I cannot stress how disrespectful it is to criticize some one's else group when you run one yourself; would you want them criticizing yours?

5. If you are going to share events, make sure you are really sharing. Even if it is a 'public event' like a stroller walk, it does not mean you should meet up at the same day and time without letting the other organizer know.  There is too many bad outcomes that can come from this (and that is a completely different subject!). Keep up with communication with that organizer. Be in communication.

So that's it! Be thoughtful of other organizers and you'll have some strong allies by your side when the going gets tough.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Yesterday, I got to hang out one of our local TV new stations. I got to see the control room, the studio, I even accidentally (yes it was an accident) got of TV! I met the producers, the director, the camera guys, the graphics guy and the reporters too! Of course, you know me: the entire time I was there I was hoping there is would a clear cut opportunity to get them to do a story on the group.

But since I like to be etiquettly correct; I didn't breathe a word of it. However, I was hoping it would come up. I even had a plan.

I figured that somebody at the station would have asked me what I did for a living. I refused to tell them that I am a stay at home mom: Despite how much I value being one, I also understand how undervalued my status is at this day and age is from certain perspectives. So instead, I've chosen a title for myself.

I am a

Volunteer : What I do with my time is volunteer. I schedule events, I meet people, I direct people, but all this is volunteering.

Early Childhood Development: Duh. What part of my day doesn't involve early childhood development?

Community Specialist: I specialize in creating a community of moms in our area. I mean that is what a playgroup is, right?!

I wanted to give it a special name because I know it will attract interest. There was only one problem with my plan; no one asked me what I did for a living. My group never came up and most of the time I spent sitting in a chair silently, while everyone went busily about their day. But it's OK. I know I'll get another chance. The volunteer Early Childhood Development Community Specialist in me knows it.

What do you do for a living?

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wordless Wenesday: Halloween Photos

So I'm stealing an idea; I saw it on a photographer's website and had to take it! You know a picture says a thousand words, so here are our pictures from some of the halloween events this past October!

Do you have pictures of your group you would like to share? Send them to

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Operation Christmas Child

So last week I introduced the adopt a family program; a program that will allow your group to 'adopt' a family. It's a close personal act of charity because you can see who it effects.  Personally it's charities like these that keep me going because I can see the appreciation; something I know as a mother I sometimes lack in my own household.

A few days ago, Stacie at The Amazing Mess wrote about a charity call Operation Christmas Child.

This is not the first time I've heard of the charity; however, this was the first time I really found out what it was.

This charity works better for my group because it makes it very accessible. Simply set up a play date to do the 'shoebox'. Stacie took it one step further. She included her address. The recipient actually responded! My guess is most would. Those who take the time to appreciate the small things usually don't have much;  and that is who you are reaching here.

So I'm taking on this charity instead this year. Play date at my house; everybody bring a shoebox items to fill it and their $7 (or more donation) to the charity (covers shipping), and I'll buy other items (extra envelopes, stamps, paper). Or people can go in on a shoe box together as well.

I'll give you updates on this project if I can! Tell me about your charities, I would love to feature them as well!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Discriminating? Or Exclusive?

An organizer made a mistake. A big mistake. "We're sorry to discriminate, but...." read the introduction prargraph of an online article about a group denying a stay at home dad membership to their playgroup. Whether or not that is what the infamous email read, it was the wrong way to put it.

Let me become Mr. Webster for a second.

Discriminate : a difference in treatment or favor on a basis other than individual merit

OK. Pperhaps they were discriminating. But isn't discrimination wrong? hmmm......

Let's say I'm going to a movie. I wanna invite someone. I choose a friend. Wait! did I just Discriminate? Maybe a neighbor I haven't met yet would like to go to a movie with me. OH darn...I just did it again. I forgot to ask my sister; who lives in Canada; so I'd have to wait until she could afford to visit me. Now I'm discriminating because of distance. Or is that because of income?

Back to being Mr. Webster.

Exclusive: excluding or having power to exclude

Yeesh....actually, I like the word discriminate better when it's put like that.

So, yes, I discriminate Dads from my playgroup. I am not ashamed. But I never use that particular word.  I  hope by putting this thought out there it will encourage other leaders to make discriminating choices. Why? Because when you do, you are filling a niche. Perhaps a mom is looking for moms with babies the same age as hers. Maybe you want to connect with Latin mothers.

Only child...
girls/boys only..
adopted children...
premature babies...
first time parents...
single parents....
young/older parents..
working moms...
at home dads...
special needs....

The list doesn't end. The point is, by separating yourself in a niche you are free to express yourself on those issues which you might otherwise be uncomfortable expressing to others about..

So, discriminate away my friends.