Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ickie Sickies

It's three a.m. You should be sleeping. Instead you are cleaning, washing, and administering medicine. Yup. Your child is sick. As much as I am sure that you love taking care of your child, there is nothing like the fear of helplessness as you watch your child throw up the rest of dinner. I can't tell you how many times I've gone through the ickie sickies with my children.

Regardless of what anyone says, germs are no more dangerous if they come from a playgroup or from your grocery store. A germ is a germ, no matter where it came from. Breeding grounds of germs should not scare you from attending playdates.

However, control is something you should and can do. Here are tips for keeping your playgroup healthy.

  • Implement a sick policy and make sure your members know it.
  • Block off non-play areas for the children. Sanitze the area before the playdate, and any toys that can be sanitized as well.
  • Make sure you have hand sanitizer available, as well as soap and water.
  • Wash hands when appropiate
  • Keep any foods at apropiate temps.
  • Stay educated on current health concerns, and ask a doctor if concerned.
Keep these simple tips in mind, and you playgroups will be healthy as can be! Happy Playing!

I would do anything to prevent my children from getting sick. Anything.

At playgroups it's essential to make sure it's a healthy environment. Make use of these tips to keep your playgroups healthy.

Implement a Sick Policy

Clean and Sanitize toys if : they have been mouthed, or come in contact with sick children (so if you are hosting and your toys have not been sanitized since the last sickness epidemic, time to haul out the bleach.)

Keep hand sanitizer around. Use after playdates

Have a place for diaper changes.

If food is at the playdate, follow regular precautions. (wash hands, don't let food spoil, etc)

Sick Policy

I do not know many playgroup organizers who do not have a sick policies. Like it or not kids go hand and hand with germs. The written rules differ from group to group, but I've provided mine for an example. I've added my comments in a separate color for more detailed explanation. Share yours with us too!!!


We hate to see our little ones get sick. To keep everyone healthy please stay at home

If you or a child become ill. This can be anything from a fever to just not acting well. I cannot tell you how many times a child wound up being sick at a playdate. Common stories would be "They were fine this morning, or Gosh I didn't know they were sick." Further digging would reveal that the child acting sluggish in the morning, or didn't eat breakfast, acting extra fussy.

Has bodily fluid symptoms. This included, but not limited to vomiting, severe diarrhea, etc. Remember that you do not have to have a fever to be sick. Some moms will ignore the symptom if there is no fever!

Has had a fever above 99 degrees in the past 24 hours. Sometimes a parent will give a child fever reducers like tylenol or motrin, and then see their temp go down, so they think it will be fine to attend the playdate the next morning. Only to find the next morning at the playdate, that the fever is not gone.

Has a contagious disease including but not limited to pink eye, fifth, chicken pox. Please ask a doctor before returning to playgroups. Obviously you can't be sure the parent did this, but it is a nice suggestion.

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